Access Keys:

Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Carrigallen National School, Bredagh, Co. Leitrim

Scór na bPáistí - Cloone Community Centre

7th Mar 2024

Scór na bPáistí will be held on Thursday, 14th of March in Cloone Community Centre. The boys and girls have been doing lots of practise over the last while. We are delighted to have entries across the various categories. Please see below the timetable for the day if you'd like to attend. Adults are €5 and children are free. 

6:30pm - Tráth na gCeist (Quiz) 


7:00pm - Rince Foirne (Figure Dancing)

7:10pm - Rince Seit (Set Dancing)


7:20pm - Amhránaíocht Aonair (Solo Singing)

7:50pm - Ceol Uirlise (Instrumental Music)

8:00pm - Bailéad Ghrúpa (Ballad Group)


8:30pm - Aithriseoireacht (Recitation)

8:50pm - Nuachleas (Novelty Acts)