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Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Carrigallen National School, Bredagh, Co. Leitrim

Digital Town Annual Awards

31st May 2024

On Friday 24 May 2024, we attended the Digital Town Annual Awards Ceremony 2024. This prestigious event was hosted in the Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, with Jess Kelly, Technology Correspondent at Newstalk as MC.

Entries across the 10 digital  categories were recognised for how they illustrated that digital innovation fosters inclusive and sustainable communities. Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Carrigallen were finalists in the Digital Education, Digital Changemaker and Digital Local Hero categories.

We are thrilled to announce that our school won the much coveted prize of Digital Local Hero Winner which had a prize amount of €2,000. Our entry was based on inclusion and STEM.

See a brief outline of our winning project here:

Carrigallen | Alan Kelly

Scoil Mhuire Naofa aspires to provide additional opportunities for inclusion for pupils with Additional Educational Needs and Special Educational Needs via Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education activities.
As a school with multiple special classes for autistic pupils, it continually strives to provide an overall school experience that meets the needs of ALL of pupils.

They want to foster STEM amongst our female pupils.

Discussions with the Student Council and Parents’ Association, identified digital education as an area of great opportunities for all pupils