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Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Carrigallen National School, Bredagh, Co. Leitrim

News - Ms Reynolds

2023/2024 School Year

11th Dec 2023
We made some beautiful kites and brought them for a spin! 
11th Dec 2023
We’ve been learning all about floor plans. One student had the great idea to...
30th Nov 2023
Throughout November we have been remembering all of the special people we know in...
27th Nov 2023
We’ve been learning all about electricity and made our own electrical circuits!...
18th Nov 2023
Science Week was a BLAST! We explored self-inflating balloons, invisible messages,...
16th Nov 2023
In art, we used various materials to construct paper playgrounds. We included swings,...
6th Nov 2023
We researched and wrote reports about Orcas.  We learned so many new facts!
6th Nov 2023
We had so much fun during Maths Week. We had a maths relay, a maths table quiz and...
26th Oct 2023
Students had great fun dressing up on the last day before the holidays for Halloween!...
17th Oct 2023
In Science, we’ve been exploring what happens when we mix two primary colours...